ideo Link HereThis past Friday I enjoyed tasting this Cabernet as part a small group. It started with opening the wine on Thursday and making notes and rating the wine using a 20 point scale. More on that in a minute.
The color was perfect deep dark garnet red, nice rich, bright color. The nose was not as I had hoped, a little underwhelmed with a hint of heat and slight green. There was nice tannin on the finish, not intense but could have used a bit more fruit for balance. At this point I put the bottle back in the cellar and waited for Friday.
Friday arrived and poured my first glass, it had gotten much better. I ripped a glass through my Vinturi and it changed dramatically. The tannin smoothed out, the fruit came forward better, the alcohol on the nose diminished and now I was drinking a real nice bottle of Cabernet. What does this mean? Decant this! Open it a couple hours ahead of time, just get some air into it. I think let this sit in the cellar a few years and you will be happy you did!
OK, the points my first rating out of 20 was a 15. The next day a clear 17 rating according to the UC Davis Point system.
I will describe it later on the site... Lets just say this needs air and you will enjoy it!